明星英文采访稿 以下是聘才本人为大家搜索整理的,欢迎大家阅读。明星英文采访稿范文 The Post’s Steve Serby sat down with Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin to talk about his life as an instant New York superstar, his faith and more. 纽约邮报的斯蒂夫塞尔比对尼克斯当家后卫林书豪进行采访,讨论林作为当下纽约的超级明星的生活以及他的信仰等等。 Q: Describe what it’s like being Jeremy Lin today. 问:谈谈作为现在的林书豪是什么感觉? A: It’s a lot going on right now and just trying to catch my breath every day, just something different every day, just taking it one day at a time and . . . living a dream, but also realizing with this comes a lot of responsibility. 答:最近发生的事情太多了,我只是尝试着赶上生活的节奏而已。现在每天都会有不同的事情发生,我得一件件慢慢来处理,现在感觉就像梦想成真一样,但是我也同时意识到伴随而来的是更多的责任。 Q: And a loss of privacy? 问:是不是也没什么隐私了啊? A: And a loss of privacy. 答:对,也没啥隐私了。 Q: How do you feel about that? 问:那你对此感觉怎么样? A: It’s obviously a little tough, just because I’m kind of more low key and private. But it’s a good opportunity, it’s a good platform. 答:很明显会比较艰难一点,因为我比较注重低调和私人空间。但是这同时也是一个很好的机会,让我有展示自己的平台。 Q: You want to use that platform for what? 问:你想用这样的平台做些什么呢? A: For God, for God’s glory, and I think that’s shown in a lot of different ways. It simply could be the way I live my life, what I talk about in my interviews, what I talk about through social media. It could be what I do in my spare time, what I do through my foundation . . . just a lot of different areas . . . how I spend my offseason. 答:为了让上帝感到骄傲。我想有很多方式来表现,最简单的可以是我如何过我自己的生活,我在采访中说的话,通过社交媒介说的话。也可以是我在空闲时间做的事,通过我自身基础做的事...还有其他很多方面...比如我怎么度过休赛期等等。 Q: Knicks fans are afraid to pinch themselves right now — do you not want to pinch yourself right now? 问:尼克斯的球迷现在害怕要掐自己一下(不敢相信这是真的),你想掐自己一下吗? A: Yeah, let’s keep this going (smiles). 答:哈哈,不要了,就这样一直下去把。(笑) Q: Your 17 jersey is the No. 1 seller in the NBA, is that hard to believe? 问:现在你的17号球衣是NBA球衣销量最多的,这是不是很难以置信? A: I mean, I think it’ll be like that for a little bit . . . and then things will resume to the way they were before (chuckles). 他们得知道是整个团队的原因,因为整个团队的和谐气氛和良好的化学反映比单一个人带来的东西要多得多。 Q: I’ve got bad news for you
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