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ZHANG Lei, LIN Jia-ye, WU Qiu-qin, WANG Xiao-yuan. Research of Negative Celebrity Information on Performance[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2017, 19(3): 67-70. DOI: 10.14071/j.1008-8105(2017)03-0067-04

Citation: ZHANG Lei, LIN Jia-ye, WU Qiu-qin, WANG Xiao-yuan. Research of Negative Celebrity Information on Performance[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2017, 19(3): 67-70. DOI: 10.14071/j.1008-8105(2017)03-0067-04



电子科技大学 成都 611731


厦门烟草工业有限责任公司 厦门 361000


四川师范大学 成都 610101



张蕾(1980– )男,博士,电子社科大学经济与管理学院讲师

林家晔(1987– )男,厦门烟草工业有限责任公司供应部工作人员

吴秋琴(1980– )女,博士,四川师范大学商学院副教授

王啸远(1987– )男,电子科技大学经济与管理学院讲师

中图分类号: F715.54

计量 文章访问数:  06806 HTML全文浏览量:  02820 PDF下载量:  010 出版历程 收稿日期:  2016-11-13 网络出版日期:  2017-06-07

Research of Negative Celebrity Information on Performance


University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu 611731 China


Xiamen Tobacco Industrial Co., LTD. Xiamen 361000 China


Sichuan Normal University Chengdu 610101 China


摘要: 研究基于国内股票市场,首次分析当企业聘请的代言人发生丑闻时,负面效应是否会转移到其代言的企业。通过事件研究法,探讨中国44个上市企业所聘请代言人被曝光丑闻后的绩效变化。研究发现中国企业代言人被曝光丑闻后其对代言企业的绩效没有显著的影响。这一结论对理解当前中国盛行的企业代言人策略有帮助,也对国内相关职能部门完善名人代言行业管理措施具有指导意义。

Abstract: This study investigates whether the negative effect of celebrity will be transferred to the endorsing brand. By using the event study method, through a sample of 44 Chinese listed companies whose endorsing celebrities had negative information, we test the cumulative abnormal return in different intervals. This study finds that, in the overall China market, celebrity negative information did not lead to significant cumulative abnormal return. This conclusion has good help to understand why it is so popular to use celebrity endorsement advertisements in China, and it is also helpful to develop the management policy for marketing advertising.


表  1   代言人丑闻样本


表  2   不同时间跨度的累计非正常收益(CAR)及其检测结果

事件窗CARP值事件窗CARP值事件窗CARP值0, 1–0.0050.3581, 2–0.00410.4092, 3–0.00210.430, 2–0.0060.3591, 3–0.00540.3462, 4–0.00160.390, 3–0.0070.3321, 4–0.00490.4662, 5–0.00260.600, 4–0.0070.4191, 5–0.00590.3842, 6–0.00540.870, 5–0.0080.351, 6–0.00870.2602, 7–0.00400.490, 6–0.0110.2611, 7–0.00730.4202, 8–0.00300.390, 7–0.0090.3771, 8–0.00630.4982, 9–0.00180.370, 8–0.0080.4471, 9–0.00810.4493, 4–0.00080.290, 9–0.0100.411, 10–0.00890.4503, 5–0.00180.510, 10–0.0110.4151, 11–0.00750.5093, 6–0.00460.890, 11–0.0090.4541, 12–0.00480.7133, 7–0.00330.440, 12–0.0070.6351, 13–0.00490.7513, 8–0.00220.320, 13–0.0070.6811, 14–0.00760.6173, 9–0.00400.510, 14–0.0100.5591, 15–0.00350.8353, 10–0.00480.460, 15–0.0060.761


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计量 文章访问数:  HTML全文浏览量:  PDF下载量:  出版历程 收稿日期:  2016-11-13 网络出版日期:  2017-06-07


网址:名人丑闻对代言企业绩效的影响研究 http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/103381


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