作者: 时间:2018-10-10 点击数:5813
曾长期从事外事外交工作。兼任中国翻译协会对外话语体系委员会副主任、国际生态翻译学会副秘书长。主持国家社科基金重大招标课题等国家级项目4项,教育部、中国外文局等省部级项目12项。先后独立或主持获得河南省高等教育教学成果奖特等奖、教育部中国高校人文社科奖三等奖、国务院新闻办优秀论文奖、国家社科基金项目优秀结项成果、省社科成果奖二等奖、省科技进步奖三等奖、省级优秀教学团队等10余个国家级、省级奖项。在国内外权威核心期刊Babel(SSCI, A&HCI收录)等发表论文30多篇。咨询报告两次被《人民日报内参》全文采用,首次提出“政治等效”对外翻译与传播理论,积极构建外交语言学(外交话语学)、外交翻译学和外交传播学等新兴交叉分支学科,系外交话语及外事外交翻译研究领域的领军学者之一。其创建的中国外交话语研究中心正致力于讲好中国故事,讲好中原历史文化故事,讲好郑大“双一流”建设故事。
联系方式:[email protected],电话:0371-67739810
Prof. Yang Mingxing’s Curriculum Vitae
Yang Mingxing serves as the Director of Center for Chinese Diplomatic Discourse Studies, and the distinguished professor, Ph.D. Supervisor as well as Academic Leader of Translation Studies for School of Foreign Languages at Zhengzhou University. Yang received his Ph.D. in International Relations in Shanghai International Studies University(SISU), and was granted the postdoctoral fellowship in Translation Studies at Nanjing University. Now, he works as a Chief expert of Major Project of National Social Science Fund, National Second-level Professor and a senior translator. He is also a national expert enjoying the State Council special allowance treatment, the Henan Provincial Distinguished Professor of institutions of higher learning, a Zhongyuan Cultural Master (one of the Leading Talents in Recruitment Program of Provincial Experts) as well as the Provincial Academic and Technical Leader of the555 Talent Project. He boasts other academic titles including Deputy Director of the Translators Association of China Foreign Discourse System Committee and the Deputy Secretary-General for the International Association of Eco-Translatology Research (IAETR). Yang, once engaged in foreign affairs for long, has presided over 4 state-level projects such as the major bidding projects of the National Social Science Fund, and 12 provincial-level projects funded by Ministry of Education and China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration. Yang successively won more than 10 national or provincial awards, including Grand Prize of Henan Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, the third-prize of China’s University Humanities and Social Sciences Award of Ministry of Education, State Council Information Office Best Thesis Award, the second-prize for outstanding achievements of the National Social Science Fund Project and the second-prize for Provincial Social Science Achievement, the third-prize of Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award and the Provincial Excellent Teaching Team. More than 30 papers written by Yang Mingxing have been published in the authoritative core journals such as Babel(SSCI, A&HCI). His consultation reports have been adopted twice by the People's Daily Internal Reference.As a leading scholar in the field of Diplomatic Discourse and Translation Studies of foreign affairs. Yang was the first scholar who put forward the theory of “Political Equivalence”, which should be taken as a principle or doctrine for guiding diplomatic translation and communication. He is one of the founders in the field of Diplomatic Discourse and Translation studies, and has been actively engaged in constructing new interdisciplinary disciplines involving Diplomatic Linguistics (Diplomatic Discoursology), Diplomatic Translatology and Diplomatic Communication. The Center founded by him is dedicated to telling the story of China, the historical and cultural story of Henan as well as the story of “Double-First Class” construction of Zhengzhou University.
Contact information: E-mail: [email protected], Tel:0086-371-67739810
网址:杨明星教授学术简历 http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/103564
韩国频出名人学历造假丑闻 明星主持仅技校毕业