
发布时间:2024-12-10 00:51




That celebrity endorsement can promote advertising effectiveness has reached a consensus in academia.But studies on the advertising effectiveness of the sports celebrity endorsers are few, and these studies' persuasion should be enhanced.In this article, we analyzed the researches literature at home and abroad using the meta-analysis and verified the holistic effect on sports celebrity endorsers' role model for the influence of the advertisement.The results show significant positive correlation (r=0.425).The appeals, reliability, professional and matching of sports celebrity endorsers all have a significant impact on the advertising effect.In addition, the paper has carried a heterogeneity test on the literature in order to explore the control variables such as measurement factors, situational factors which possibly existed between the influence of the sports celebrity endorsers and advertising effectiveness.Results show that the moderator variables, cultural factors and sample factors have significantly affected their relationship.


体育明星 /角色模型 /广告效果 /Meta分析{{custom_keyword}} /

Key words

sports celebrity endorser /role model /advertising effect /meta analysis{{custom_keyword}} /

孙文树, 杨剑, 季浏.体育明星代言人角色模型对广告效果影响的Meta分析. 沈阳体育学院学报. 2015, 34(2): 47-54

SUN Wenshu, YANG Jian, JI Liu.Meta-analysis of Role Model of Sports Celebrity Endorsers on Advertising Effect. Journal of Shenyang Sport University. 2015, 34(2): 47-54


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网址:体育明星代言人角色模型对广告效果影响的Meta分析 http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/112937


