我们来分析一下题目怎么写。正方认为:明星效应非常给力,因为明星有很多粉丝,有很强的号召力。这些事情怎样用英语来描述呢?我用了以下的一些表达:吸引公众注意attract public’ s attention,生活在聚光灯下live under spotlight,经常上电视新闻appearon newspapers and TV programs,给公众做出示范set a good example for the public。可以举一些有实际效果的例子,比如发生了自然灾害,明星搞慈善演出give charity shows,然后公众捐款donate aid,这个例子应该还是比较好写的。
反方认为:明星起的是反作用,没有效果。这个怎么来解释呢?我写了两层意思。第一,很多人在乎的是明星本身,而忽视了明星所做的公益活动。明星让粉丝知道了有个慈善活动,但是粉丝并没有真正做点什么。第二,有人这么认为,做慈善只是明星的事,和普通人无关,因为明星有钱,都是豪宅豪车live extravagant lifestyles with huge carsand houses(剑6-2里的词汇)。
个人观点:名人参与慈善活动是值得鼓励的,可以带动更多人去帮助他人lead more people to offer help for those inneed。不过要让这个事情更有成效productive,名人还需要做得更好,要证明他们确实为慈善做出了实实在在的贡献demonstrate that they have made substantialcontribution to charity。
2015-3-21 名人能否提高国际援助的关注度(社会话题)
题目:Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both viewsand give your opinion。
In recent years,many famous people areinvolved in the campaigns
organized by international charityorganizations to show their support for these activities. Interestingly, the effectof celebrities has become a topic of debate.
There is a widerecognition that celebrities’involvement in charities would attract public’ attention towards these issues. Celebrities likepopular singer and movie stars always live under spotlight. Wherever they go, they are surrounded by the reportersand general public and their activities always appear on newspapers and TV programs.If they take part in public service activities,they would set a good example for the public, especially their big fans. Forexample, after the devastating tsunami happened in Southeast Asia, many actors and singers gave charity shows and appealed for help for those victims and as a result, hugequantities of donations were collected.
However, some people doubt the effect ofcelebrities’ contribution to international charity activities. They think the public only pay attentionto their favorite stars, but neglect the undertakings the celebrities are promoting. Acommon problem is that more people know about the charity campaign, but few people take anyaction afterwards. Theymay think it is celebrities who should take the responsibility for helpingthose in poverty, asthese celebrities seem to liveextravagant lifestyles with huge cars and houses.
In my view, we should encourage famous people to takepart in international charity campaigns and I am sure they will lead morepeople to offer help for those in need. To make their involvement more productive, celebrities should demonstrate that they reallycare about this world and they have made substantial contribution to charity。(作者:老徐雅思)
网址:3月21日雅思写作最新范文:解析名人效应 http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/148563
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