发布时间:2024-12-13 08:22
Junglecat is the Beijing-born wild child of drummer Mico and composer/vocalist Jessica Meider. Junglecat has scratched out the boundaries of music, then mix-ed it all together
Rhythm Dogs is a well-known blues band who performs at many pubs and clubs in Beijing. It is known as the best blues band in China.
主唱吉他: 麦迪jessica meider 吉他: 汶麟 wen lin 鼓: 刘为 mico 贝司: 陈劲 chen jin 键盘: 飞飞 feifei 键盘: 孔宏伟 [试听1] [试听2] 吉他: EDDIE(非洲马达加斯加) 贝斯.主唱: 张岭 鼓: 贝贝 SAX: 金浩Liuyuan Jazz Band Known as the “God father of Jazz” in China, Liuyuan has been instrumental in the development of Jazz music locally for more than 10 years.
JR's name frequently connected with fashion and international brands. They have been invited by many famous music events.
萨克斯: 刘元 鼓手: 古贺泉 (日本) 钢琴: 孔宏伟 [试听1] [试听2] 贝司: 黄勇 钢琴: 朱蟒 小号: 丰玉程 贝司: Scott Edwin Dodd 鼓: Nicholas James McBride网址:三亚第四届沙滩慈善音乐会 http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/179689
下一篇:音乐陪伴计划五周年 “慈善音乐会
第三届壹基金明星慈善房车赛 众明星成都献爱心
亚洲明星高尔夫慈善赛落幕 群星闪耀为爱挥杆
音乐陪伴计划五周年 “慈善音乐会”开场 牵手定点学校为特需孩子带去音乐疗育
第八届明天音乐节举行 八场音乐演出共造“声浪”
第二十届中国慈善榜正式发布 2023中国慈善榜年度慈善榜样名单→买购网