
发布时间:2024-12-15 19:29

  内容摘要: 【导读】80后的妈妈们,因为年轻,也由于时尚,常被称为“辣妈”,其实70后的妈妈们也有这个称号。自2005年恢复单身状态以后,相信随着年纪的增长,这位奥斯卡影后的魅力指数也会继续飙升。



  No.10 - Bridget Moynahan 布丽姬 穆娜

  Tom Brady may have left now 39-year-old Bridget Moynahan for 30-year-old Gisele Bundchen back in 2006 when Moynahan was pregnant with Brady’s baby, but this love triangle hasn’t reached the epic proportions of the Jolie-Pitt-Aniston scenario, mainly because the still gorgeous Moynahan doesn’t incite the same pity that 41-year-old Aniston does. The former model still looks as hot as she did back in 1999 when our girlfriends finally gave us one good reason to tune into Sex and the City。

  从T台成功走向大银幕的布丽姬 穆娜,是一位可以胜任高智商的强硬角色而外形又不失优雅妩媚的性格女星,2004年开始和新英格兰爱国者队的明星四分位汤姆 布拉迪约会,但在2006年的感恩节分手,2007年布丽姬坚持生下了与前男友的一个孩子。

  No.9 - Gisele Bundchen 吉赛尔 邦辰

  Women have more reason to resent Gisele Bunchden, and many of us guys are starting to wonder about everything we’ve been told about post-pregnancy baby weight . Just six and a half weeks after giving birth to her son Benjamin, who she shares with Tom Brady, Gisele -- who just so happens to be the highest paid supermodel in the world -- was back to work, posing for Brazilian fashion line Colcci. Tom Brady, you are a very lucky man

  汤姆 布拉迪的前女友是排在第10位的布丽姬 穆娜,于2007年为生他下一个孩子,而吉赛尔 邦辰又在去年年底为他生下另一个孩子,两大世界顶级超模都为他甘当“孩子他妈”,真是羡煞旁人啊!

  No.8 - Heidi Klum 海迪 克鲁姆

  Former models Gisele Bundchen and Bridget Moynahan, No. 9 and No. 10 respectively, may have kept their ridiculously hot figures after one baby, but they have nothing on Heidi Klum who’s had four kids, one with former boyfriend Flavio Briatore and three with husband Seal. The Victoria’s Secret head Angel even walked down the runway of the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show this past December just five weeks after giving birth to her fourth child, proving that she is indeed worthy of her wings。

  如果说前面两位超模愿意生一个娃的话,那么海迪 克鲁姆的战绩就要更加辉煌,从2004年的31岁开始五年时间内一共生下了四个孩子。三十多岁的年纪当大肚婆经历过四次十月怀胎,不但没有对这位世界顶级泳装模特的身材和事业有影响,反而是添砖加瓦,越发美丽性感。

  No.7 - Milla Jovovich米拉 乔沃维奇

  With over 100 magazine covers under her ongoing role kicking ass as Alice in the Resident Evil flicks, Milla Jovovich is one of those rare high-fashion models who both women and men know by first and last name. The 34-year-old model, actress, singer, and designer gave birth to a baby girl back in November 2007, but motherhood hasn’t slowed her down. This September she’ll reprise her role as Alice in Resident Evil: Afterlife… this time in 3-D. Wearing red and blue plastic glasses never felt so right。

  米拉 乔沃维奇出生于乌克兰,登过的时尚杂志封面数量早已超过一百,身兼模特、演员、歌手和设计师多重身份,2007年在出演了《生化危机》第三部的时候与该系列编剧保罗 安德森成为恋人,并于年底为他生下一个女儿。这位今年就要满35岁的辣妈,不断推出大银幕新作,九月就有万众期待的《生化危机4》即将公映。

  No.6 - Sofia Vergara 菲娅 维加拉

  Sofia Vergara is the main reason we’re perfectly happy staying in on Wednesday nights. As the impossibly curvy Gloria on ABC’s Modern Family, Vergara makes us wonder, after all our own kids are out of the house, if remarrying a younger woman with a child of her own wouldn’t be so bad. In real life, the 38-year-old single mother has an almost 18-year-old son, which means you still don’t have a chance。

  性感尤物索菲娅 维加拉是拉丁世界最受喜爱的名人之一,并且正在成为哥伦比亚最具拉丁风味的出口商品之一受到全世界范围的欢迎。在今年大热的美剧《摩登家庭》中,她成功塑造了一位性感妖艳的母亲,然而现实生活中索菲娅作为一名成功的单身妈妈,每每谈起自己18岁的儿子来时的那副幸福表情,绝对是她最真实和美好的一面。

  No.5 - Salma Hayek 萨尔玛・海耶克

  We all remember what our own mothers looked like when they were pushing 44 years old, and it was nothing like Salma Hayek. The Mexican actress, who only reached fame in the U.S. at age 29 after starring in Robert Rodriguez' Desperado, gave birth to her first child at the tender age of 40. It seems that life is extra sweet for Salma Hayek. Did we mention the father is billionaire PPR CEO Fran?ois-Henri Pinault? Yeah.。。


  No.4 - Jessica Alba 阿尔芭

  It’s been over two years since Jessica Alba crushed our unattainable dreams by marrying Cash Warren, and about two years since she gave birth to the couple's first child, Honor Marie. Would this mean an end to Alba taking on demanding roles that require her to sport chaps (Sin City), bikinis (Into the Blue) and body suits (Fantastic Four), and relinquishing her title as the Meryl Streep of spandex? We’re keeping our fingers crossed director Robert Rodriguez comes to the rescue in 2010’s Machete, starring Alba。


  No.3 - Kate Beckinsale 凯特·贝金赛尔

  She may have an 11-year-old daughter, but that didn't stop now 37-year-old Kate Beckinsale from being named Esquire's “Sexiest Woman Alive” in 2009, a title that has also been awarded to the likes of Jessica Biel, Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson. “If you’re any kind of human,” the actress told the magazine in her cover story, “you know that the title is utterly ludicrous… But I like the idea of it too. I do. I’m feeling that I must earn this. I need to go out and become much better at pole dancing or something。” We're inclined to agree. Beckinsale, notably, came in at No. 3 on AskMen's list of the Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2010.


  No.2 - Monica Bellucci 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇

  Monica Bellucci has been one of the sexiest women alive for nearly a quarter century, and we’re not insinuating that she was once a Lolita figure. The Italian actress turns 46 this September. Yes, 46. Long gone are the days when 20-year-old starlets were the most sought after women in the world. Bellucci is proof that men want a woman, not just with beauty, but with the kind of life experience that only makes her sexier. In fact, Bellucci has been so busy accumulating life experience that she only gave birth to her first daughter with French actor Vincent Cassel at age 40, and her second daughter this past summer at age 45. Biological clock? Bellucci, apparently, has never heard of one。


  No.1- Berry 哈莉·贝瑞

  It’s worth noting that 7 out of these 10 fine ladies on this list are 35 and over, and three of them are over age 40, including our No. 1 MILF, Halle Berry, who turns 44 on August 14th. After having her first child, daughter Nahla, with male model Gabriel Aubry, who is 10 years her junior, just two years ago, Berry was voted the “Sexiest Woman Alive” in 2008 by Esquire. "I don't know exactly what it means,” she told the magazine, “but being 42 and having just had a baby, I think I'll take it." Berry is also a staple on AskMen’s annual list of the Top 99 Most Desirable Women, coming in at No. 66 in 2010. And after recently announcing that she’s once again single, we have a feeling her number is only going to rise in 2011. Besides, women only get sexier after age 45. Just ask Monica Bellucci。


网址:双语:盘点全球十大性感明星辣妈 http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/198974


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