Facebook Social Network Dataset

发布时间:2024-12-17 14:25

App Users Segmentation: Case Study

Mobile App Description: Let's consider a social networking app called

Data from: Competing opinion diffusion on social networks

Opinion competition is a common phenomenon in real life, such as opinions on controversial issues or political candidates, however modeling the competition remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a model of competing opinion diffusion on social networks taking into account the degree-dependent fitness or persuasiveness.We study the combined influence of social networks, individual fitnesses and attributes, as well as mass media on people’s opinions, and find that both social networks and mass media act as amplifier in opinion diffusion for which the amplifying effect can be quantitatively characterized. We analytically obtain the probability that each opinion will ultimately pervade the whole society when there are no committed people in networks, and the final proportion of each opinion at the steady state when there are committed people in networks. The results of numerical simulations show good agreement with those obtained through analytical approach. This study provides insight into the collective influence of individual attributes, local social networks and global media on opinion diffusion, and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of competing diffusion behaviors in real world.

Data from: We'll meet again: revealing distributional and temporal patterns of social contact

What are the dynamics and regularities underlying social contact, and how can contact with the people in one's social network be predicted? In order to characterize distributional and temporal patterns underlying contact probability, we asked 40 participants to keep a diary of their social contacts for 100 consecutive days. Using a memory framework previously used to study environmental regularities, we predicted that the probability of future contact would follow in systematic ways from the frequency, recency, and spacing of previous contact. The distribution of contact probability across the members of a person's social network was highly skewed, following an exponential function. As predicted, it emerged that future contact scaled linearly with frequency of past contact, proportionally to a power function with recency of past contact, and differentially according to the spacing of past contact. These relations emerged across different contact media and irrespective of whether the participant initiated or received contact. We discuss how the identification of these regularities might inspire more realistic analyses of behavior in social networks (e.g., attitude formation, cooperation).

Adverse effects of using the Internet and social networking websites or apps by gender and age group

Percentage of Internet users who have experienced selected personal effects in their life because of the Internet and the use of social networking websites or apps, during the past 12 months.

Social Networks and the Decision to Insure

Social Networks and the Decision to Insure

Data from: Social media enhances languages differentiation: a mathematical description

Understanding and predicting the evolution of competing languages is a topic of high interest in a world with more than 6000 languages competing in a highly connected environment. We consider a reasonable mathematical model describing a situation of competition between two languages and analyse the effect of the speakers' connectivity (i.e. social networks). Surprisingly, instead of homogenizing the system, a high degree of connectivity helps to introduce differentiation for the appropriate parameters.




These data refers to the paper entitled "Social Networking Sites information versus school information: A high school students' perception". Data were analyzed by Jamovi software.

Data from: Competing opinion diffusion on social networks

Opinion competition is a common phenomenon in real life, such as opinions on controversial issues or political candidates, however modeling the competition remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a model of competing opinion diffusion on social networks taking into account the degree-dependent fitness or persuasiveness.We study the combined influence of social networks, individual fitnesses and attributes, as well as mass media on people’s opinions, and find that both social networks and mass media act as amplifier in opinion diffusion for which the amplifying effect can be quantitatively characterized. We analytically obtain the probability that each opinion will ultimately pervade the whole society when there are no committed people in networks, and the final proportion of each opinion at the steady state when there are committed people in networks. The results of numerical simulations show good agreement with those obtained through analytical approach. This study provides insight into the collective influence of individual attributes, local social networks and global media on opinion diffusion, and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of competing diffusion behaviors in real world.


Dudu.com – multilingual social network with a unique translation technology allowing Internet users that speak different languages to communicate freely without language barriers.


Grooming network matrix for adult baboons in Mica's group

Figure S5 data

Outgoing links probabilities of each cluster for each type of interaction (3 matrices 14x14)

Data from: Empirical studies on the network of social groups: the case of Tencent QQ

Background: Participation in social groups are important but the collective behaviors of human as a group are difficult to analyze due to the difficulties to quantify ordinary social relation, group membership, and to collect a comprehensive dataset. Such difficulties can be circumvented by analyzing online social networks. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this paper, we analyze a comprehensive dataset released from Tencent QQ, an instant messenger with the highest market share in China. Specifically, we analyze three derivative networks involving groups and their members—the hypergraph of groups, the network of groups and the user network—to reveal social interactions at microscopic and mesoscopic level. Conclusions/Significance: Our results uncover interesting behaviors on the growth of user groups, the interactions between groups, and their relationship with member age and gender. These findings lead to insights which are difficult to obtain in social networks based on personal contacts.

Selfies, Communications and Female Students Self– Presentation in Social Network Sites (SNS)

The paper seeks to uncover how the three pronged dynamics of culture, personality and religion have shaped the 3W’s and H namely What, Why, Where and How in relation to selfie utilization and self-presentation on Social Networking Sites (SNS). Using quantitative (descriptive survey) rather than the “usual” qualitative approaches used by researchers in the area of selfie studies, this paper examines many variables that highlighted novel undercurrents in the use of selfie by female university students. A total of 370 female students of the University of Uyo were surveyed and another 350 – student member study group was created on SNS to aggregate their views on why they engage in selfies and possible satisfaction from such engagement. The findings reveal that selfie posting by female university student are driven more by personality (59%) and religious orientations (14%) rather than culture (5%),this paper also reveals that female students who engaged in selfiedidso forself-presentation and self-fulfilment. In essence,this paper argues that selfie use on SNSs is not motivated by sociocultural or national issues but by students moods, self - actualisation, and as a way to present preferred self and image on the SNSs. These, the paper concludes, are disconnected from socio economic cum cultural realities that people hope youths should engage in their Social Network Sites interaction. Visit www.afrischolarrepository.com.ng for more publications.

Social Networking Sites' Active Users

The Numbers of Social Networking Sites's Active Users .



Data from: Social networks and the spread of Salmonella in a sleepy lizard population

Although theoretical models consider social networks as pathways for disease transmission, strong empirical support, particularly for indirectly transmitted parasites, is lacking for many wildlife populations. We found multiple genetic strains of the enteric bacterium Salmonella enterica within a population of Australian sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa), and we found that pairs of lizards that shared bacterial genotypes were more strongly connected in the social network than were pairs of lizards that did not. In contrast there was no significant association between spatial proximity of lizard pairs and shared bacterial genotypes. These results provide strong correlative evidence that these bacteria are transmitted from host to host around the social network, rather than that adjacent lizards are picking up the same bacterial genotype from some common source.

Data from: Audience affects decision-making in a marmoset communication network

An audience can have a profound effect on the dynamics of communicative interactions. As a result, non-human primates often adjust their social decision-making strategies depending on the audience composition at a given time. Here we sought to test how the unique vocal behaviour of multiple audience members affected decisions to communicate. To address this issue, we developed a novel experimental paradigm in which common marmosets directly interacted with multiple ‘virtual monkeys’ (VMs), each of whom represented an individual marmoset with distinct vocal behaviour. This active social signalling paradigm provided subjects an opportunity to interact with and learn about the behaviour of each VM in the network and apply this knowledge in subsequent communicative decisions. We found that subjects' propensity to interact with particular VMs was determined by the behaviour of each VM in the audience and suggests that marmoset social decision-making strategies are highly adaptive to nuances of the immediate communication network.


StockTwits provides a social communications platform and social graph for anyone interested in the markets and investing.

Data from: Competing opinion diffusion on social networks

Opinion competition is a common phenomenon in real life, such as opinions on controversial issues or political candidates, however modeling the competition remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a model of competing opinion diffusion on social networks taking into account the degree-dependent fitness or persuasiveness.We study the combined influence of social networks, individual fitnesses and attributes, as well as mass media on people’s opinions, and find that both social networks and mass media act as amplifier in opinion diffusion for which the amplifying effect can be quantitatively characterized. We analytically obtain the probability that each opinion will ultimately pervade the whole society when there are no committed people in networks, and the final proportion of each opinion at the steady state when there are committed people in networks. The results of numerical simulations show good agreement with those obtained through analytical approach. This study provides insight into the collective influence of individual attributes, local social networks and global media on opinion diffusion, and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of competing diffusion behaviors in real world.

Mobile App Description: Let's consider a social networking app called

Opinion competition is a common phenomenon in real life, such as opinions on controversial issues or political candidates, however modeling the competition remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a model of competing opinion diffusion on social networks taking into account the degree-dependent fitness or persuasiveness.We study the combined influence of social networks, individual fitnesses and attributes, as well as mass media on people’s opinions, and find that both social networks and mass media act as amplifier in opinion diffusion for which the amplifying effect can be quantitatively characterized. We analytically obtain the probability that each opinion will ultimately pervade the whole society when there are no committed people in networks, and the final proportion of each opinion at the steady state when there are committed people in networks. The results of numerical simulations show good agreement with those obtained through analytical approach. This study provides insight into the collective influence of individual attributes, local social networks and global media on opinion diffusion, and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of competing diffusion behaviors in real world.

What are the dynamics and regularities underlying social contact, and how can contact with the people in one's social network be predicted? In order to characterize distributional and temporal patterns underlying contact probability, we asked 40 participants to keep a diary of their social contacts for 100 consecutive days. Using a memory framework previously used to study environmental regularities, we predicted that the probability of future contact would follow in systematic ways from the frequency, recency, and spacing of previous contact. The distribution of contact probability across the members of a person's social network was highly skewed, following an exponential function. As predicted, it emerged that future contact scaled linearly with frequency of past contact, proportionally to a power function with recency of past contact, and differentially according to the spacing of past contact. These relations emerged across different contact media and irrespective of whether the participant initiated or received contact. We discuss how the identification of these regularities might inspire more realistic analyses of behavior in social networks (e.g., attitude formation, cooperation).

Percentage of Internet users who have experienced selected personal effects in their life because of the Internet and the use of social networking websites or apps, during the past 12 months.

Social Networks and the Decision to Insure

Understanding and predicting the evolution of competing languages is a topic of high interest in a world with more than 6000 languages competing in a highly connected environment. We consider a reasonable mathematical model describing a situation of competition between two languages and analyse the effect of the speakers' connectivity (i.e. social networks). Surprisingly, instead of homogenizing the system, a high degree of connectivity helps to introduce differentiation for the appropriate parameters.


These data refers to the paper entitled "Social Networking Sites information versus school information: A high school students' perception". Data were analyzed by Jamovi software.

Opinion competition is a common phenomenon in real life, such as opinions on controversial issues or political candidates, however modeling the competition remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a model of competing opinion diffusion on social networks taking into account the degree-dependent fitness or persuasiveness.We study the combined influence of social networks, individual fitnesses and attributes, as well as mass media on people’s opinions, and find that both social networks and mass media act as amplifier in opinion diffusion for which the amplifying effect can be quantitatively characterized. We analytically obtain the probability that each opinion will ultimately pervade the whole society when there are no committed people in networks, and the final proportion of each opinion at the steady state when there are committed people in networks. The results of numerical simulations show good agreement with those obtained through analytical approach. This study provides insight into the collective influence of individual attributes, local social networks and global media on opinion diffusion, and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of competing diffusion behaviors in real world.

Dudu.com – multilingual social network with a unique translation technology allowing Internet users that speak different languages to communicate freely without language barriers.

Grooming network matrix for adult baboons in Mica's group

Outgoing links probabilities of each cluster for each type of interaction (3 matrices 14x14)

Background: Participation in social groups are important but the collective behaviors of human as a group are difficult to analyze due to the difficulties to quantify ordinary social relation, group membership, and to collect a comprehensive dataset. Such difficulties can be circumvented by analyzing online social networks. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this paper, we analyze a comprehensive dataset released from Tencent QQ, an instant messenger with the highest market share in China. Specifically, we analyze three derivative networks involving groups and their members—the hypergraph of groups, the network of groups and the user network—to reveal social interactions at microscopic and mesoscopic level. Conclusions/Significance: Our results uncover interesting behaviors on the growth of user groups, the interactions between groups, and their relationship with member age and gender. These findings lead to insights which are difficult to obtain in social networks based on personal contacts.

The paper seeks to uncover how the three pronged dynamics of culture, personality and religion have shaped the 3W’s and H namely What, Why, Where and How in relation to selfie utilization and self-presentation on Social Networking Sites (SNS). Using quantitative (descriptive survey) rather than the “usual” qualitative approaches used by researchers in the area of selfie studies, this paper examines many variables that highlighted novel undercurrents in the use of selfie by female university students. A total of 370 female students of the University of Uyo were surveyed and another 350 – student member study group was created on SNS to aggregate their views on why they engage in selfies and possible satisfaction from such engagement. The findings reveal that selfie posting by female university student are driven more by personality (59%) and religious orientations (14%) rather than culture (5%),this paper also reveals that female students who engaged in selfiedidso forself-presentation and self-fulfilment. In essence,this paper argues that selfie use on SNSs is not motivated by sociocultural or national issues but by students moods, self - actualisation, and as a way to present preferred self and image on the SNSs. These, the paper concludes, are disconnected from socio economic cum cultural realities that people hope youths should engage in their Social Network Sites interaction. Visit www.afrischolarrepository.com.ng for more publications.

The Numbers of Social Networking Sites's Active Users .


Although theoretical models consider social networks as pathways for disease transmission, strong empirical support, particularly for indirectly transmitted parasites, is lacking for many wildlife populations. We found multiple genetic strains of the enteric bacterium Salmonella enterica within a population of Australian sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa), and we found that pairs of lizards that shared bacterial genotypes were more strongly connected in the social network than were pairs of lizards that did not. In contrast there was no significant association between spatial proximity of lizard pairs and shared bacterial genotypes. These results provide strong correlative evidence that these bacteria are transmitted from host to host around the social network, rather than that adjacent lizards are picking up the same bacterial genotype from some common source.

An audience can have a profound effect on the dynamics of communicative interactions. As a result, non-human primates often adjust their social decision-making strategies depending on the audience composition at a given time. Here we sought to test how the unique vocal behaviour of multiple audience members affected decisions to communicate. To address this issue, we developed a novel experimental paradigm in which common marmosets directly interacted with multiple ‘virtual monkeys’ (VMs), each of whom represented an individual marmoset with distinct vocal behaviour. This active social signalling paradigm provided subjects an opportunity to interact with and learn about the behaviour of each VM in the network and apply this knowledge in subsequent communicative decisions. We found that subjects' propensity to interact with particular VMs was determined by the behaviour of each VM in the audience and suggests that marmoset social decision-making strategies are highly adaptive to nuances of the immediate communication network.

StockTwits provides a social communications platform and social graph for anyone interested in the markets and investing.

Opinion competition is a common phenomenon in real life, such as opinions on controversial issues or political candidates, however modeling the competition remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a model of competing opinion diffusion on social networks taking into account the degree-dependent fitness or persuasiveness.We study the combined influence of social networks, individual fitnesses and attributes, as well as mass media on people’s opinions, and find that both social networks and mass media act as amplifier in opinion diffusion for which the amplifying effect can be quantitatively characterized. We analytically obtain the probability that each opinion will ultimately pervade the whole society when there are no committed people in networks, and the final proportion of each opinion at the steady state when there are committed people in networks. The results of numerical simulations show good agreement with those obtained through analytical approach. This study provides insight into the collective influence of individual attributes, local social networks and global media on opinion diffusion, and contributes to a comprehensive understanding of competing diffusion behaviors in real world.


网址:Facebook Social Network Dataset http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/254865


社交网络 The Social Network
Star Network星网:社交 DeFi网络,星网公链【starnetwork星网吧】
社交网络分析:数据挖掘的新方向1.背景介绍 社交网络分析(Social Network Analysis,SNA)是一种
Social Network 社交网络分析 – 人人都是产品经理,
