“中国基础教育部门的制度安排”, UNESCO,课题负责人之一。2009年-2010年。
“农村税费改革、农民负担与基层干群关系改善之道”,管理世界,2008年9月,第九期。(刘明兴、徐志刚、刘永东、陶然)。本文入选“中国经济学2008年” 最佳论文集,周业安主编,格致出版社和上海人民出版社,2010年版。
“意识形态与政府干预”,经济学季刊,2005年4月,第2期。此文获得2004年中国制度经济学年会优秀论文一等奖。文章同时入选“中国经济学2005年” 最佳论文集,李稻葵主编,上海人民出版社2007年版。(章奇、刘明兴)
“政府管制、法律软约束与农村基层民主”,经济研究,2004年6月,第6期。(章奇、刘明兴、单伟)。本文入选“中国经济学2004年” 最佳论文集,张维迎主编,上海人民出版社2006年版。
“企业预算软约束的成因分析”,江海学刊, 2003年10月,第5期。(林毅夫、刘明兴、章奇)
“金融结构和经济增长:以制造业为例”,中国社会科学评论,2003年8月,第二期。(林毅夫、章奇、刘明兴)。本文入选“中国经济学2003年” 最佳论文集,李实主编,上海人民出版社2004年版。
“中国农村的税费负担:一个政治经济学的考察”,中国社会科学评论,2003年4月,第一期。本文入选“中国经济学2003年” 最佳论文集,李实主编,上海人民出版社2004年版。文章同时被收录于Series on Developing China Vol. 1,“China’s Economy: Rural and Agricultural Development”,edited by Zhenglai Deng, World Scientific Publishing Co.,2009。(陶然、刘明兴、章奇)
“中国西部农村教师维权行动分析”,载于“群体性事件研究:中国社会稳定研究论丛(第二卷)”,肖唐镖主编,上海学林出版社,2011年版。(刘明兴 赵丽霞)
“制度变迁和可持续发展:改革三十年的中国农业与农村”,美国汤姆森学习出版集团和上海世纪出版集团,格致出版社,上海人民出版社,2008年版。(黄季焜、陶然、徐志刚、刘明兴、Scott Rozelle)
“Patterns of Authority and Governance in Rural China: Who’s in Charge? Why?”, Journal of Contemporary China, forthcoming. (Xin Sun, Travis J. Warner, Dali L. Yang, and Mingxing Liu)
“Petitioning Beijing: The High Tide of 2003-2006”, China Quaterly 210, June 2012. (Lianjiang Li, Mingxing Liu, and Kevin J. O’Brien)
“Getting Ahead in the Communist Party: Explaining the Advancement of Central Committee Members in China”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 106 (1): 166—187, 2012. (Victor Shih, Christopher Adolph, and Mingxing Liu)
“Rural Tax Reform and the Extractive Capacity of Local State in China”, China Economic Review, Vol.23, No.1, March 2012, pages190-203. (Mingxing Liu, Zhigang Xu, Ran Tao, Fubing Su)
“Grain Procurement, Tax Instrument, and Peasant Burdens during China’s Rural Transition”, Journal of Contemporary China , Volume 20, Issue 71, 2011, pages 659-677. (Ran Tao, Mingxing Liu, Fubing Su and Xi Lu)
“Clans, Electoral Procedures, and Voter Turnout: Evidence from Villagers’ Committee Elections in Transitional China”, Political Studies, Volume 59, Issue 2, pages 432–457, June 2011. (Fubing Su, Ran Tao, Xin Sun, and Mingxing Liu)
"Development of Financial Intermediation and the Dynamics of Urban Rural Income Disparity in China, 1978-98", Regional Studies, 44(9) November 2010, 1171-1187. (Vincent Chen, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang)
“Land Leasing and Local Public Finance in China’s Regional Development: Evidence from Prefecture-Level Cities”, Urban Studies, September 2010; 47 (10): 2217-2236. (Ran Tao, Fubing Su, Mingxing Liu, and Guangzhong Cao)
“Local Political Elites, Partial Reform Symptoms, and the Business & Market Environment in Rural China”, Business and Politics, Vol. 12: Iss.1, Article 5, April 2010. (Qi Zhang and Mingxing Liu)
“Gauging the Elite Political Equilibrium in the CCP: A Quantitative Approach Using Biographical Data”, China Quaterly 201, March 2010. (Victor Shih, Wei Shan, and Mingxing Liu)
“State Capacity, Local Fiscal Autonomy and Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China”, China Information, Volume 23 Issue 3, October 2009. (Ran Tao, Kaizhong Yang, and Mingxing Liu)
“The Political Economy of Earmarked Transfers in a State-Designated Poor County in Western China: Central Policies and Local Responses”, China Quaterly 200, December 2009. (Mingxing Liu, Juan Wang, Tao Ran, Rachel Murphy)
“Education Management and Performance after Rural Education Finance Reform—Evidence from Western China”, International Journal of Education Development 29 (2009): p463–473. (Mingxing Liu, Tao Ran, Rachel Murphy, Xuehui An)
“Instrumental Land Use and Investment-driven Growth in China”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Volume 13 Issue 3, p313-331, 2008. (Mingxing Liu, Ran Tao, Yuan Fei, and Guangzhong Cao)
“Rural Informal Taxation in China: Historical Evolution and an Analytic Framework”, China & World Economy, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 1-18, 2007. (Yifu Lin and Mingxing Liu)
“Comparing the Performance of Chinese Banks: A Principal Component Approach”, China Economic Review, Vol.18, No1, p15-34, 2007. (Victor Shih, Qi Zhang, and Mingxing Liu)
“Perspective on Local Governance Reform in China”, China & World Economy, Vol.14 No.2, 2006, p16-31. (Mingxing Liu, Binwen Song, and Ran Tao)
“Urban and Rural Household Taxation in China: Measurement, Comparison, and Policy implications”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy”. Vol. 10, No. 4, 486–505, November 2005. (Ran Tao and Mingxing Liu)
“Government Regulation and Rural Taxation in China”, Best Paper Prize, 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Durban, South Africa, August 2003. Agricultural Economics, 31(2004) 161-168. (Ran Tao, Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang)
“Identify Alliances of the “Harmonious Society”: Intermediate Associations, Local Elites, and Collective Petitioning in Contemporary Chinese Villages”, in “Elites and Governance in China”, edited by Chien-wen Kou and Xiaowei Zang. Routledge, UK. forthcoming. (Yu Tao and Mingxing Liu)
“Deregulation, Decentralization and China’s Growth in Transition”, in “Institutional Design for China's Evolving Market Economy”, edited by J. Stiglitz, New York: Oxford University Press. forthcoming. (Yifu Lin, Ran Tao, and Mingxing Liu)
“The Central Committee Past and Present: A Method of Quantifying Elite Biographies”, in “Knowing China: New Resource, Method, and Field Work”, edited by Mary Gallagherand Melanie Manion, Cambridge University Press, 2009. (Victor Shih, Wei Shan, and Mingxing Liu)
“Poverty Reduction, Decentralization, and Local Governance in China”, in “Interests, Institutions, and Contentions in China”, edited by Dali Yang, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore, 2007. (Ran Tao and Mingxing Liu)
“Development Strategy, Viability, and Economic Institution: A Case of China”, in UNU-WIDER Jubilee Conference volume, “Advancing Development: Core Themes in Global Economics”, Edited by: George Mavrotas and Anthony Shorrocks, p518-531, Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. (Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, Shiyuan Pan, and Pengfei Zhang)
“Regional Competition, Fiscal Reform and Local Governance in China”, in “Paying for Progress. Public finance, Human Welfare, and Inequality in China”, edited by Vivienne Shue and Christine Wong, Routledge Contemporary China Series, Routledge, 2007. (Mingxing Liu and Ran Tao)
“Financial Development and Urban-rural Income Disparity in China”, in “The Chinese Economy after WTO Accession”, Edited by Shuming Bao, Shuanglin Lin, and Changwen Zhao, Ashgate Publishing House, UK, 2006. (Qi Zhang, Mingxing Liu, Yiu-Por Chen)
“Decentralization and Local Governance in China’s Economic Transition”, in “Decentralization in Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective”, Edited by Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee, MIT Press, 2006, p305-327. (Yifu Lin, Ran Tao, and Mingxing Liu)
“Government Regulation, Legal-Soft-Constraint and Rural Grassroots Democracy in China,” in "China's rural economy after WTO", ed by Shunfeng Song and Aimin Chen, p336-357. Ashgate Publishing House, UK, 2005. (Qi Zhang, Mingxing Liu, and Wei Shan)
“Development Strategy: Transition and Challenges of Development in Lagging Regions”, in “Accelerating Development”, Edited by Francois Bourguignon and Boris Pleskovic, A Copublication of Worldbank and Oxford University Press, 2004, p197-223. (Yifu Lin and Mingxing Liu)
“Asian Financial Crisis: Implications for China”, in “Asian Financial Crisis: Causes and Development”, Chapter 6, published by Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, The University of Hong Kong, 2001. (Yifu Lin and Mingxing Liu)
经济增长,中国社会科学出版社,2000年。原著:Robert Barro和Xavier Sala-I-Martin,McGraw-Hill出版社,1995年版。(何晖、刘明兴合译)
1997年9月-2001年7月 北京大学中国经济研究中心,获经济学博士学位;
1994年9月-1997年7月 中南财经大学投资经济系,获经济学硕士学位;
1990年9月-1994年7月 中南财经大学投资经济系,获经济学学士学位;
经济学博士后,美国国民经济研究局,2001年9月-2003年8月。 [1]
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