
发布时间:2024-12-20 06:12



1.Zhang X, Li N, Qin T, Huang B,NieP. Involvement of two glycoside hydrolase family 19members in colony morphotype and virulence in Flavobacteriumcolumnare. Chinese Journal ofOceanology and Limnology 2017, 35(6): 1511-1523.

2.Zhang X, Liu J. Transcriptional Profiling of Stress Response or Slow Growth? Journal ofPostgenomicsDrug & Biomarker Development 2017, 07(02).

3.Zhang X, Li W, Liu M, Zhang X, Yin X, Xu Z. Transcriptomic analysis of the cold-pretreatedLarimichthyscroceashowing enhanced growth fitness in cold water. Marine Biotechnology 2019,21(6): 791-805.

4.Zhang X, Wen F, Xu Z, Sun D, Chew W, Liu J. De novo transcriptomic analysis of theoleaginous algaBotryococcusbrauniiAC768 (Chlorophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology 2019,31(1): 255-267.

5.李斯远,何治江,吕泓玥,汤秋晗,廖智,王健鑫,严小军,张晓林.厚壳贻贝(Mytiluscoruscus)养殖海域与天然生长海域的微生物群落比较研究.海洋与湖沼2021, 52(01): 196-205.

6.Zhang X, Li S, He J, Wu Y, Gu Z, Fan M, Guo B,ButtinoI, Liao Z, Yan X. Microalgal feedingpreference of Mytiluscoruscusand its effects on fatty acid composition and microbes of thedigestive gland. Aquaculture Reports 2022, 23: 101024.

7. Pan C, Liao Z, He J, Gu Z, Wang C, Fan M,ButtinoI, Guo B, Yan X,Zhang X. Carnosineconcentration and expression profiles of carnosine related genes in Mytilus after beta-alanineinjection. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2021: 1-14.

8. Wang C, Yan X, He J,ButtinoI, Pan C, Fan M, Guo B,Zhang X, Liao Z. Responses to β-alanineand carnosine supplementation of mussel Mytiluscoruscusas revealed by UPLC–MS/MS baseduntargeted metabolomics. Aquaculture Reports 2021, 20: 100730.

9. He Z, He J, Wang J,Zhang X, Fan M,ButtinoI, Qi P, Yan X, Liao Z. Comparative transcriptomicanalysis of gill and gonad from Mytilus under antibiotics treatment followed by different bacteriachallenge. Aquaculture 2022, 547: 737457.

10. Yang J, He J, Liu L, He M,Zhang X,ButtinoI, Guo B, Yan X, Liao Z. Expression profiles ofantimicrobial peptides in Mytiluscoruscus. Aquaculture 2022;548:737709.

11. Jiang Y, Sun Q, Fan M, He J,Zhang X, Xu H, Liao Z. Recombinanttransgelin‐like protein 1from Mytilus shell induces formation of CaCO3 polymorphic crystals in vitro. FEBS openbio 2020,10(10): 2216-2234.

12. Sun Q, Jiang Y, Fan M,Zhang X, Xu H, Liao Z. Characterization of a novel shell matrix proteinwithvWAdomain from Mytiluscoruscus. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2020,84(8): 1629-1644.

13. Sun Q, Jiang Y, Yan X, Fan M,Zhang X, Xu H, Liao Z. Molecularcharacterization of anovelshellmatrixproteinwith PDZdomainfrom Mytiluscoruscus. Frontiers in physiology 2020: 1236.


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