1. 学历:博士
2. Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
3. 研究方向:干细胞生物学
4. 教育经历:美国爱荷华大学博士,美国哈佛大学、美国加州大学旧金山分校博士后
5. 近五年科研项目:
-国家自然科学基金/美国国立卫生院合作项目,已结题、主持,2013/01-2013/12 - 国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研、主持,2012/01-2015/12
6. 代表性论文:
(1). A distinct ex-x-pression pattern of cyclin K inmammalian testes suggests a functional role in spermatogenesis. Xiang X, Deng L, ZhangJ, Zhang X, Lei T, Luan G, Yang C, Xiao ZX, Li Q, Li Q.
PLOS ONE, 2014 Jul 8;9(7):e101539
(2). IGF-1 regulates the SIRT1-p53 pathwayin cellular senescence.
Tran D,Bergholz J, Zhang H, He H, Wang Y,Zhang Y, LiQ, Kirkland JL, Xiao ZX.Aging Cell, 2014 Aug;13(4):669-78.
(3). Primordial dwarfism gene links Lin28 to safeguardembryonic stem cell from premature differentiation.Dai Q,Luan G, Deng L,Lei T,Kang H,Song X, Zhang Y, Xiao ZX, Li Q.Cell Reports, 2014 May 8;7(3):735-46.
(4).PKCphosphorylatesHEXIM1 and regulates PTEFb activity. Fujinaga K, BarboricM, Li Q, Luo Z, Price DH,Peterlin BM. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012 Oct;40(18):9160-70
(5). Cyclin K-containingkinase complexes maintain self-renewal in murine embryonic stem cells.
Dai Q, Lei T, Zhao C,Zhong J, Tang YZ, Chen B, Yang J, Li C, Song X, Li L, Li Q.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012 Jul 20;287(30):25344-52
(6). Genetic analysis of P-TEFb function viaheterologousnucleic acid tethering systems.
Li Q, Peterlin BM. Methods, 2009 Aug;48(4):375-80
(7). Cyclin T2 is essential for mouseembryogenesis. Kohoutek J, Li Q, Blazek D, Luo Z, Jiang H,Peterlin BM. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2009Jun;29(12):3280-5,共同第一作者
(8). Nucleophosmin interacts with HEXIM1 andregulates RNA polymerase II transcription. Gurumurthy M, Tan CH, Ng R, ZeigerL, Lau J, Lee J, Dey A, Philp R, Li Q,Lim TM, Price DH, Lane DP, Chao SH.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2008 Apr 25;378(2):302-17
(9).MicroRNA regulationof stem cell fate.Li Q, Gregory RI. Cell Stem Cell, 2008 Mar 6;2(3):195-6
(10). Systematic analysis of the protein interactionnetwork for the human transcription machinery reveals the identity of the 7SKcapping enzyme.Jeronimo C, Forget D,Bouchard A, Li Q, Chua G,Poitras C, Thérien C, Bergeron D, Bourassa S, Greenblatt J, Chabot B, PoirierGG, Hughes TR, Blanchette M, Price DH, Coulombe B.Molecular Cell, 2007 Jul 20;27(2):262-74,封面文章
(11). HEXIM1 is a promiscuous doublestrandedRNAbinding protein and interacts with RNAs in addition to 7SK in culturedcells. Li Q, Cooper JJ, Altwerger GH, Feldkamp MD, Shea MA,Price DH. Nucleic Acids Research, 2007;35(8):2503-12
(12). Analysis of the largeinactive PTEFb complexindicates that it contains one 7SK molecule, a dimer ofHEXIM1 or HEXIM2, andtwo P-TEFb molecules containing Cdk9 phosphorylated atthreonine 186.
Li Q, Price JP, Byers SA, Cheng D, Peng J, Price DH. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005 Aug5;280(31):28819-26
(13). HEXIM2, a HEXIM1relatedprotein, regulatespositive transcription elongation factor b through associationwith 7SK.Byers SA, Price JP,Cooper JJ, Li Q, Price DH. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005 Apr 22;280(16):16360-7
(14). Binding of the 7SK snRNA turns the HEXIM1protein into a P-TEFb (CDK9/cyclin T) inhibitor.
Michels AA, Fraldi A, Li Q, Adamson TE, Bonnet F,Nguyen VT, Sedore SC, Price JP, Price DH, Lania L, Bensaude O. EMBO Journal, 2004 Jul 7;23(13):2608-19,共同第一作者
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