
发布时间:2024-12-31 22:21


明星代言作文明星代言 从古至今,中国从不缺少名人。 Since ancient times, China has never lacked celebrities. 曾经,孔子创立的儒家学说统治人们思想近千年;曾经,孙中山引导人民探索革命道路,驱除鞑虏,恢复中华。……他们都是名人,他们都曾引导过我们。 Once, the Confucian doctrine founded by Confucius ruled peoples thoughts for nearly a thousand years; once, Sun Yat-sen guided people to explore the revolutionary road, expel Tartars and restore China They are all celebrities, they have guided us. 现在,同样被称为名人的明星们,你能引导我吗? Now, also known as celebrity stars, can you guide me? 近年来,明星的境遇越来越尴尬,不少明星似乎成了“丑闻不断,唯得是图”的代名词。郭德刚、葛优的虚假广告,邓婕、倪萍等为质量有问题的三鹿产品代言更遭到了舆论的批评。 In recent years, the situation of stars has become more and more embarrassing. Many stars seem to have become the pronoun of constant scandals, only gains are pictures. Guo Degang and Ge Yous false advertisements, Deng Jie and Ni Pings endorsements for Sanlu products with quality problems have been criticized by public opinion. 许多明星抱怨舆论的批评太狠。但反过来想,厂家之所以找明星代言是因为他们可以引导消费者消费。而明星置消费者的利益于不顾,仅为了高额的广告费去代言产品,难道不应该挨批评吗?明星把“向钱看齐”的拜金主义思想传递给民众,难道不该挨批吗? Many stars complain that the criticism of public opinion is too harsh. But on the other hand, the reason why manufacturers look for star endorsements is that they can guide consumers to consume. And shouldnt stars be criticized for ignoring the interests of consumers and only endorsing products for high advertising expenses? Shouldnt stars be criticized for passing on the money worship thought of looking at money together to the public? 明星,你要这样引导我吗? Star, do you want to guide me like this? 当然,不可不论明星的影响有时所产生的正面影响作用也是很大的。汶川地震时,明星们纷纷捐款捐物,进行义卖、义演,使人们更积极地参与到灾后救援与重建工作中来。同时,明星们的做法也受到了社会各界的好评。 Of course, we cant ignore the positive influence of stars sometimes. During the Wenchuan earthquake, the stars donated money and materials, carried out charity sale and perance, and made people more actively participate in the post disaster rescue and reconstruction work. At the same time, the practice of stars has also been praised by all sectors of society. 明星,你应该这样引导我。 Star, you should guide me like this. 80后、90后作为改革开放后成长起来的一代,受到了社会的广泛关注。人们纷纷抱怨80后、90后难以教导,那么明星们是否可以用实际行动来引导自己的80后、90后粉丝们呢?答案是肯定的。在风靡一时的快男超女中,明星的影响作用就显露出来。同样,其他各个明星也一定对80后、90后有着很大影响力的。 The post-80s and post-90s, as a generation growing up after the re and opening up, have been widely concerned by the society. People complain that the post-80s and post-90s are hard to teach, so can stars guide their fans with practical actions? The answer is yes. In the fast men and super women, the influence of stars is revealed. Similarly, other stars must also have a great influence on the post-80s and post-90s. 不只是引导80后、90后,明星还应以自身行动来引导人们与社会和谐相处,建设社会主义和谐社会。随着我国经济的发展,人们对精神生活的关注越来越多。与之相对应的娱乐圈也日益成为人们关注的焦点,正在潜移默化地影响着人们的生活与思维方式。以春晚为例,每年春晚小品中的经典台词都会被人们在生活中无数次引用,许多都已成了大家的常用语。由此推广来看,明星们假若能积极宣传各种和谐社会理念,和谐社会也定能深入人心。 Not only to guide the post-80s and post-90s, but also to guide people to live harmoniously with the society and build a harmonious socialist society with thei

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