American actress Zoe Saldana had a lot of fun with her wax figure at Madame Tussauds in Hollywood last month — as did her husband, Marco Perego, who playfully pretended to kiss Zoe's lookalike. She isn't the only star who has come face to face with their man-made double, as Ed Sheeran, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Gwen Stefani have all been on hand to debut their twins at various wax museums around the world, and, naturally, it always lends itself to hilarious photo ops.
马上学:英文中“面对面”的说法除了可以用上文中的face to face之外,我们还可以说in person。
有像“死侍”瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)那样勾肩搭背深情凝望款↓↓↓
也有像金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 自己本体完美cos蜡像的↓↓↓
感觉贾斯汀·比伯 (Justin Bieber) 的蜡像没有跟上本尊身高增长的速度~
“水果姐”凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)的雕像和本体不是同一个画风↓↓↓
碧昂斯 (Beyoncé) 直接和自己来了场热舞!
霉霉 (Taylor Swift) 完全可以去蜡像馆整恶作剧吓人了~
热爱音乐的“黄老板”艾德·希兰 (Ed Sheeran) 和“自己”玩起了双人吉他↓↓↓
蜡像·辣妹组合 (The Spice Girls) 完美融入真·辣妹组合↓↓↓
C罗 (Cristiano Ronaldo),大概在默默欣赏自己的好身材……
感觉像黛米·洛瓦托 (Demi Lovato) 那样和自己的蜡像自拍,已经是最正常的反应了(笑)~