那么,音乐与您即时出行 | ReachNow即时出行呈现:Rae Sremmurd 成都站的特别嘉宾是૮(゚∀゚)ა!!!
MENGZI、LIL SHIN 和 ANSR J 有着与生俱来,难以动摇的成都气质,是不折不扣的“都酷”代言人。这几位顶级玩家从成都传奇厂牌說唱會館中声名鹊起,并为他们的“川普”饶舌和家乡赞歌争取到了广泛、热忱的追捧。
至此,Rae Sremmurd 成都特袭完整阵容已经全部公开!预售票库存正在迅速下降,购票详情▼
ReachNow for Music that Matters
Rae Sremmurd Live
w/ A.T.M顶级玩家 and WHOSTAR
成都 Chengdu
2019年1月19日 | Jan 19th
星期六 Sat | 19:30
Address: 666 Dong Hong Lu
扫码购票 | 秀动独家
Showstart is our only official ticketing partner - Don't buy on alternate platforms, and don't feed the huangniu! Split Works cannot be held responsible for tickets that are purchased from unauthorised re-sellers.
预 售 票 包 含:
1. 门票
2. 由ReachNow即时出行提供的成都市区5折优惠乘车券一张*
限 量 VIP 票 套 餐 包 含:
1. 门票 + VIP限定腕带
2. 由ReachNow即时出行提供的成都市区单程免费乘车劵一张*
3. 酒水券一张(指定Absolut混合饮品一杯)
4. VIP二楼专属观演/休息平台
1. 专属“局内人”机会(随机抽选):2人
2. 演出后台与艺人近距离接触机会(随机抽选):10人
Presale Tickets Include:
1. Your concert pass
2. A ReachNow coupon for 50% off on your first ride!*
Limited VIP packages include:
1. Concert pass + VIP Limited Edition Wristband
2. A free ride on the ReachNow service, applicable anywhere within the Chengdu metropolitan area*
3. One drink ticket (Redeem at the Absolut Bar!)
4. Second floor access for a premium VIP viewing platform
There’s More!
Every VIP ticket give you a chance, by Lucky Draw, to be one of our special "Insiders":
- 2x Winners:
You (and a friend**) get to watch the show from the best seat in the house: a special exclusive "side-stage" with an unparalleled view of the madness.
** your friend must also hold a VIP ticket.
- 10x Winners:
A special artist meet-and-greet!
*For discounts and free rides: Look for an SMS from ReachNow a few days after getting your tickets, download the app and register to activate. Coupons are valid for one month from activation date.
2018年12月14日,宝马集团宣布在中国进一步拓展旗下ReachNow即时出行业务范围,并将由今年4月在成都成立的全资子公司——宝马出行服务有限公司来具体运营。ReachNow即时出行高档网约车全部采用BMW 5系长轴距轿车,这些车辆的豪华与高科技配置与零售车型同样丰富,车辆整备和车内备用物品更是细致入微。网约车队的全部专职司机均由公司精挑细选。
ReachNow即时出行高档网约车面向公众开放,既可为高端商务或旅行人士提供新的出行解决方案,也会走入千家万户的生活,与人们共庆诸如家庭团聚、结婚、纪念日等人生重要时刻。所有用户均可通过ReachNow APP预约或即时使用该服务。
About ReachNow:
ReachNow is BMW quality and service meets start-up ingenuity. It's a premium ride-hailing service, now available in Chengdu, built around a sleek, easy-to-use app. Get a ride in a premium BMW vehicle, sit back, relax and let our highly trained ReachNow drivers take you to the places that matter.
Launched in December 2018 on a mission to reinvent how people in busy, urban communities get to the people and places they love, ReachNow now serves Chengdu, not only providing a premium mobility experience but also providing its members with access to exclusive events and premium experiences.
所有购买了ReachNow即时出行呈现:Rae Sremmurd 成都演出门票的乐迷都可以用更优惠的价格体验“C位出行”!