启明星学校正式成为ACT GAC学校,将为启明星学生提供ACT考试!
启明星学校正式成为ACT GAC学校,将为启明星学生提供ACT考试!
这意味着,启明星学生申请大学需要标准化考试成绩时,可以在本校参加ACT GAC课程和ACT考试,而不必一定前往其他环境陌生的考试地点或港澳、韩国等地参加ACT或SAT。
ACT全称“American College Test”(美国大学考试),开始于1967年,包含英文语言、数学、科学、阅读等科目,是和SAT同为美国大学广为认可的标准化考试。此外,ACT成绩也是大学考虑向申请者发放奖学金的因素之一。
作为ACT GAC学校,启明星将为学生提供符合ACT GAC要求的课程。
GAC课程,全称为ACT® Global Assessment Certificate™, 是ACT旗下的一项课程,专为非英文母语的学生设计,适合高中阶段及以上学生的综合性大学预备课程。GAC重在培养学生适应大学学习和未来职场应具备的素质和能力,完成GAC的学生拥有参加ACT考试的资格。
“我很欣慰ACT GAC 项目为启明星学生带来的便利。那些需要标准化考试成绩的启明星学生可以在自己的学校参加 ACT了!” 启明星学校大学升学辅导主管Melissa Warehall 女士说。
Daystar is now an official ACT GAC School!
Daystar is an official ACT GAC School, which means Daystar students applying to universities that require standardized test scores will be able to take the ACT at the Daystar campus. As a result, they don’t need to go to unfamiliar testing locations or travel long distances to Hong Kong, Macau, or overseas, such as going to South Korea, to participate in the ACT or SAT.
The American College Test (ACT) was started in 1967. The test includes sections on English language, mathematics, science, and reading comprehension. Along with the SAT, the ACT is a standardized test widely recognized by American universities. In addition, ACT scores are one of the factors universities consider when granting scholarships to applicants sometimes.
As an ACT GAC School, Daystar will provide students with curriculum that meets ACT GAC requirements.
The GAC , the ACT® Global Assessment Certificate™, is an educational product of ACT, specially designed for students whose native language is not English, and is a comprehensive college preparation course for students at the high school level and above. GAC focuses on developing students' qualities and abilities for future college study and career, and students who complete the GAC course are eligible to take the ACT.
This GAC curriculum will be integrated with Daystar's current curriculum so that it will not create an additional burden for students or teachers.
“I appreciate the convenience for our students of the ACT GAC program. For those who need standardized test scores, they can take the ACT right here at Dasytar! ”said Ms. Melissa Warehall, Head of College Counseling of Daystar Academy.
By being able to take the ACT at Daystar, Daystar students will no longer need to worry about accommodations, scheduling, or the test environment. They just need to be prepared to take the test!
以上就是《启明星学校正式成为ACT GAC学校,将为启明星学生提供ACT考试!》介绍。国际教育前线,从业十年,专业的国际学校择校服务平台。全国国际学校一站式择校服务,规划目标学校入学备考方案。快速了解您所在地域国际学校排名、学费、入学条件、校园开放日,欢迎在线预约咨询或者电话:4006-196-100
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网址:启明星学校正式成为ACT GAC学校,将为启明星学生提供ACT考试! http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/690107
启明星双语学校 Daystar Academy