
发布时间:2024-12-11 00:48

粉丝消费行为分析 ——以火箭少女101为例 摘要 火箭少女101无疑是2018最火的名词,被称为中国第一女团的火箭少女101拥有者大量的粉丝。也衍生出对其粉丝消费行为的研究,此次研究主要分析火箭少女101的粉丝消费行为,开篇主要介绍了和研究相关的理论和概念,例如:粉丝经济、社群文化、网红经济。这些概念都是近年来随着直播网红、短视频等出现的。接着研究分析了我国演唱组合行业发展现状以及粉丝消费行为。其中分析火箭少女101粉丝消费行为、消费动机以及营销粉丝消费的主要因素。粉丝消费行为的消费动机主要有:参与感、互动感、主角感、梦想感,而影响粉丝消费行为的因素有个人心理素质、粉丝群体的带动效益、各种媒介的影响。研究介绍了火箭少女101发展历程、发展现状以及未来的发展趋势,在此基础上对该团队的粉丝消费行为进行阐述,研究认为火箭少女101粉丝消费行为主要有四类,粉丝群体的集资消费、个人单纯的追星消费、线上视频会员消费、线下门票及其他消费。最后针对粉丝消费行为进行影响和反思两个方面的分析,其中在影响方面,指出对偶像形象塑造起到促进作用、影响节目及企业的营销内容、影响到个人自身的发展。在反思内容上,提出粉丝盲目追星的疯狂行为,网络“暴力”行为的产生,超前消费影响日常生活。此次研究全方位、深层次的分析了火箭少女101粉丝消费行为,为以后相关研究奠定基础。 关键词:火箭少女101;粉丝消费行为;消费动机;反思 Abstrcat Rocket Girl 101 is undoubtedly the most popular term in 2018. It is known as the owner of Rocket Girl 101 of the First Womens Regiment of China and has a large number of fans. It also derives the research on fansconsumption behavior. This research mainly analyses the fans consumption behavior of Rocket Girl 101. At the beginning, it mainly introduces and studies related theories and concepts, such as fanseconomy, community culture and net-red economy. These concepts have emerged in recent years with live webcast, short video and so on. Then it studies and analyses the current situation of the development of the singing group industry in China and fansconsumption behavior. Among them, the consumption behavior, consumption motivation and main factors of marketing fans consumption of Rocket Girl 101 are analyzed. The main motivations of fansconsumption behavior are participation, interaction, protagonist and dream. The factors affecting fans consumption behavior include individual psychological quality, the driving effect of fansgroups and the influence of various media. The research introduces the development history, current situation and future development trend of Rocket Girl 101. On this basis, the author expounds the groups fansconsumption behavior. The research concludes that there are four main types of fans consumption behavior, namely, fund-raising consumpti

网址:粉丝消费行为分析——以火箭少女101为例.docx http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/137393


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