
发布时间:2024-12-18 18:12



  由于职业关系,明星们都拥有自己的保养秘方,并与公众们分享。于是,一些人放弃了减肥药(slimming drug),开始效仿起明星们的瘦身食谱。而这真的科学吗?

  What do celebrities do to always look so amazing?明星是如何时刻焕发光彩的呢?

  Jennifer Aniston swears by her “wonder smoothie” for a better body, Liv Tyler relies on green juice for clearer skin, and Victoria Beckham is said to maintain her trim figure by sticking to a strict gluten-free diet。珍妮弗•安妮斯顿相信“神奇果蔬汁”可以保持身材,丽芙•泰勒则依靠蔬菜汁来清洁肌肤。据说,维多利亚•贝克汉姆维持苗条身材的方法是坚持无麸质饮食法。

  While these beauty secrets may sound tempting, our advice is to wait a second before you try them. Health experts warn that celebrities’ beauty tips do not work for everyone, and, if used in the wrong way, could actually harm your health。尽管这些美丽秘方可能听起来很吸引人,但我们建议你三思而行。健康专家提醒我们,明星的美丽秘诀并非适用于所有人。如果使用不当,实际上会有损健康。

  Wonder smoothie神奇果蔬汁

  US actress Jennifer Aniston is the envy of women worldwide with her toned physique and glowing appearance. So when fashion magazine Grazia earlier this year revealed that the secret to Aniston’s ageless beauty is a “wonder smoothie”, the drink became all the rage。美国女星珍妮弗•安妮斯顿凭借紧实的身材和光彩照人的外表,令全球女性羡慕不已。所以,今年年初当时尚杂志《红秀》透露珍妮弗•安妮斯顿花容不衰的秘方就是神奇果蔬汁后,这种饮品风靡一时。

  A source told the magazine that the drink consists of fresh, organic vegetables – beetroot, cucumbers, spinach, garlic, carrots, celery and kale. The star drinks nothing else on one day every week to purify her body。有知情人士向该杂志透露,“神奇果蔬汁”由甜菜根、黄瓜、菠菜、大蒜、胡萝卜、芹菜以及甘蓝等新鲜有机蔬菜制作而成。珍妮弗每周会有一天时间,只喝这种果汁来排毒。

  If you’re doing it Aniston-style and eating normally for most of the week, it probably won’t do you any serious harm, but a juice fast that lasts a couple of weeks, or even just several days, could do you more harm than good, say health experts。健康专家表示,如果你正在践行珍妮弗•安妮斯顿的瘦身食谱,而一周大多数时候还保持正常进食的话,可能不会对身体造成什么危害。但如果持续几周,哪怕只有数日的果蔬汁断食法,就会令你得不偿失。

  As soon as you pulp any fruit or vegetable, you lose all the fibre in them. “With no fibre in your diet, even after a couple of days, constipation will become a problem, and in the long term, your cholesterol levels could be affected as fibre helps keep them low,” Natalie Jones of the British Dietetic Association told the Daily Mail。蔬果一旦做成果汁,其中所含的纤维就会全部流失。英国饮食协会的娜塔莉•琼斯在接受《每日邮报》采访时表示:“如果饮食中缺乏纤维素,哪怕只有短短几天,就会出现便秘现象。久而久之,胆固醇水平就会受到影响,因为纤维素有助于维持低胆固醇。”

  If that’s not discouragement enough, you could also find your hair starting to fall out two to three months later, warned hair care expert Philip Kingsley。护发专家菲利普•金斯利提醒说,如果这还不足以让你打退堂鼓的话,那么你还会发觉,两三个月后,你将开始脱发。

  Raw mushroom diet生蘑菇减肥法

  British movie star Pallet Roxanne has recently revealed that in order to maintain her ideal, slim body, raw mushrooms have become a daily intake。英国电影明星帕勒•罗克妮最近透露道,为保持理想体型,她坚持每日进食生蘑菇。

  The star told Female First magazine that in just over two weeks of regularly eating raw mushrooms, her body weight dropped. She takes mushrooms with her wherever she goes。她对《Female First》杂志表示,仅仅两周多时间,由于定期食用生蘑菇,她成功瘦身。不管走到哪,她都带着蘑菇。

  Roxanne is not the only fan of the diet. US pop star Katy Perry also admitted to using mushrooms to stay in shape。热衷于生蘑菇减肥法的不止罗克妮一人。美国流行歌手凯蒂•佩里也承认通过食用蘑菇来保持体型。

  It’s true that mushrooms are an excellent source of B vitamins, which are needed for a healthy diet, and their high level of dietary fibre can keep us from feeling hungry for longer. But health experts recommend mushrooms should be eaten cooked。蘑菇确实是一个摄入维生素B的极好来源,而维生素B是健康饮食的必备成分,蘑菇的膳食纤维含量极高,可以让人维持较长时间的饱腹感。但是健康专家建议蘑菇应该烹制后食用。

  “Cooking mushrooms for even a few minutes dissipates most of the mild toxins they contain,” US nutrition expert and family physician Dr Joel Fuhrman said。美国营养专家兼家庭医师,乔尔•福尔曼博士说:“蘑菇经过几分钟的烹制,就可去除其中含有的大部分微弱毒素。”

  Gluten-free diet无麸质饮食

  The increasingly popular gluten-free diet, which cuts out the protein found in wheat, barley and rye, is favored by a host of A-list celebrities – US actress Gwyneth Paltrow, British fashion icon Victoria Beckham and New Girl star Zooey Deschanel, just to name a few。这种越来越受到人们欢迎的无麸质饮食法指的是将大麦、小麦和黑麦中的蛋白质去除。该方法备受众多大牌明星的推崇,如美国女演员格温妮丝•帕特洛,英国时尚偶像维多利亚•贝克汉姆,以及美剧《杰茜驾到》女星佐伊•丹斯切尔等等。

  The diet is believed to be a reason why these stars look so slim and fit. However, a new survey by The Sunday Times shows that gluten-free products could be causing some of us to pile on the pounds。人们坚信这种节食法是这些明星维持健美身材的原因之一。不过,《星期日泰晤士报》的一项最新调查却显示无麸质食品可能会使一些人体重飙升。

  The survey found most gluten-free products in supermarkets – such as gluten-free bread and biscuits – are higher in fat than the equivalent standard products。该调查发现超市里出售的大多数无麸质产品,例如无麸质面包、无麸质饼干,与其他同普通产品相比,其脂肪含量更高。

  “Without gluten to bind food together, food manufacturers often use more fat and sugar to make the product more palatable,” explained Shelley Case, a nutrition expert。营养专家谢莉•卡斯解释说:“如果食品中没有麦麸这种黏合剂,食品生产厂家常会通过添加更多的脂肪和糖分来改善口感。”

  So what about those naturally gluten-free foods, such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables? Are they going to help us slim down?那么,像猪肉、鱼肉、以及水果蔬菜这类的天然无麸质食品会不会帮助我们瘦身呢?

  It seems not. Tanya Thomas of the British Dietetic Association told the Daily Mail: “People assume that by cutting out gluten they are going to lose weight. It’s a myth。”好像不能。来自英国饮食健康协会的塔尼亚•托马斯在接受《每日邮报》采访时表示:“人们认为食用无麸质食物就会减肥。这简直是天方夜谭。”

网址:明星减肥诀窍揭秘:瘦身食谱大曝光 http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/297921


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甜美女星减肥秘诀 打造完美身段
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