绍兴“架起桥梁” 让鲁迅与夏目漱石跨时空“对话”

发布时间:2024-12-25 23:15

绍兴“架起桥梁” 让鲁迅与夏目漱石跨时空“对话”
Shaoxing "set up bridge" to make Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki have a “dialogue” through time and space

  中国网浪潮资讯 鲁迅与夏目漱石——在中国和日本近现代文学史上留下了深刻印记的两位文学巨人,11日在鲁迅故里、古城浙江绍兴穿越时空“握手对话”。

Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki, the two literary giants who left a deep imprint on history of modern literature of China and Japan had a “dialogue” through time ad space in the ancient city -- Shaoxing, Zhejiang, the hometown of Lu Xun on September 11th.



On the same day, posterities of the two literary giants and experts on literature from China and Japan gathered in Shaoxing University. They communicated with the topics like the influence of Natsume Soseki and Lu Xun in the East Asian cultural circle and the role of cultural exchanges between China and Japan, the influence of Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki on Japanese readers.


Wang Jianli, the president of Shaoxing University, said that, Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki are concerned about the culture of China and Japan very much and nurtured by them deeply, and their works also have extensive and far-reaching impact on Chinese and Japanese readers. The two literary giants are the symbol of cultural exchanges between China and Japan. The Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchanges Forum is a continuation of the cultural exchange that Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki had not met before but already started.


This year coincides with the 45th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, and the 150th anniversary of Natsume Soseki's birthday, and it is also the 100th anniversary of Chinese New Literature Revolution. Zhou Lingfei, the eldest grandson of Lu Xun, secretary general of the Lu Xun Cultural Foundation, said that Lu Xun introduced Natsume Soseki's works to China early, and spoke highly of Natsume Soseki.


Natsume Bonosuke, the eldest grandson of Natsume Soseki, Japanese manga critics, said that Natsume Soseki Chinese was familiar with Chinese classics, can write Chinese poetry, and was good at calligraphy. He also had great respect for China and Chinese people.


Satsuki eda, the senator of Japanese parliament said in Shaoxing that, on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, the forum on dialogue between Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki held in Shaoxing is more memorable for friendly exchanges between the two countries.

(中国网实习生 尤迎宁 作者 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 杜依依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:实习生 尤迎宁 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 杜依依    | 责编:尤迎宁    审核:张渊

新闻投稿:[email protected]    新闻热线:13157110107    

网址:绍兴“架起桥梁” 让鲁迅与夏目漱石跨时空“对话” http://c.mxgxt.com/news/view/495708


思想如何表述:都市的“起兴”——论鲁迅的创作与北京文化氛围  陈 洁
【序跋精粹】按图“琐记”鲁迅在南京 | 黄乔生
